Wellington City Council

We have a particularly special relationship with the Wellington City Council that has been built over many years through mutual trust and the palpable difference the Trust has made to the city.

Each successive Mayor has taken a particular interest in our activities and we are enormously grateful for the support we have received over the years.  We have a close working relationship with the Creative Capital team and Waterfront and City Parks. These officers work closely with us during the commissioning phase and are signatories to the contracts we sign with our artists.

In more recent years we have received a grant from the Public Arts Panel. We have a self-imposed ceiling of keeping public funding of each of our sculptures to 20% of the value, unless we are specifically partnering with the Council as we have with Woman of Words and Walk the Line.

On final completion of our works and following a set defects liability period, the ownership of all our sculptures are handed over to Council and it assumes responsibility for the ongoing repairs and maintenance. In this regard we work closely with the Waterfront & City Parks unit. 

Arts Advisors

The Trust has a panel of arts professionals who assist in our selection processes. The panel currently comprises arts practitioners, curators and an architect. Urban design and public safety advice is provided by the Wellington City Council’s liaison officer.

Our current Arts Advisors are:

Gerald Parsonson (Architect, Parsonson Architects)

Elizabeth Thomson (Artist)

Reuben Friend (Ngāti Maniapoto, Pākehā) (General Manager Community and Partnerships, Porirua City Council)

Charlotte Davy (Senior Curator, Te Papa Tongarewa)

Karl Chitham (Ngā Puhi, Te Uriroroi) (Director, The Dowse Art Museum)


The Trust also has honorary advisers separate from its arts advisers to broaden its resources. These people have expertise in fields such as engineering, financial management and law. All our advisers are listed in the Directory.


We have also been assisted along the way and for various projects by sponsors including: Meridian Energy for the Meridian Energy Wind Sculptures along Cobham Drive, TOWER Group Ltd with assistance in the funding for the Lambton Quay sculptures, Creative New Zealand, the Wellington Community Trust, and many other sponsors, donors and members who have helped us deliver the sculptures that now make up our walks. 


Our current Business partners are:




Connected Accountants


Lt McGuinness


The Right Honourable Dame Patsy Reddy, GNZM, QSO

Distinguished Life Members 
Dr Ian Prior

Lady Margaret Trotter

Neil Plimmer MNZM

Tanya Ashken

Pat Sheehan

Honorary Financial Advisor 
Anne Stephenson (Director, Connected Chartered Accountants)

Honorary Auditor 
John D. Cook
(Young & Associates Ltd)

Honorary Legal Advisor 
John Swan

Wellington City Council Liaison 
Shane Binnie
(Waterfront & City Parks Manager)